Coming Events
Sunday Worship
Sunday 23 March 9.30am Holy Communion
Wednesday 26 March 7.30pm Lenten Service with HC
Sunday 30 March 9.30am Holy Communion
Wednesday 2 April 7.30pm Lenten Service with HC
Sunday 6 April 9.30am Holy Communion
Wednesday 9 April 7.30pm Lenten Service with HC
Sunday 13 April 9.30am Holy Communion
eat + Chat
Wednesdays - 5.30pm-7.00pm During School Term
Church Council
Monday 21 April - 7.30pm
Connected youth
Friday 14 March 7.00pm meet at May Park
fun and fellowship
Wednesday 2 & 16 April - 1.15pm
rest in prayer
Monday 7 & 21 April - 4.00pm
Tuesday 1 April - 1.30pm
Friday 4 April- 7.00pm
shed night
Monday 28 April - 6.30pm